College News

HSC Trial Examinations

Year 12 HSC Trial Exams commence on Monday 17 August. 

We pray for our Year 12 students as they commence their Trial HSC. 

God, we ask that they especially feel your closeness during the Trial HSC exam period. 

Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence in the knowledge that you hold them in the palm of your hand. 

Bless them with keen understanding and retentive memory. 

Give them the ability to grasp things correctly. 

Point out the beginning, direct their progress and help them in the completion of each of their responses. 

Holy Spirit send them your gifts of wisdom and knowledge. 

We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen


Sherrin House Day - Save the Date

Sherrin House Day will be held on Friday 11 September, the theme of the day will be Sherrin Spring Carnival Faux Fashions. More information will be provided to students in Homegroup notices over the coming weeks.


2021 Scholarship Applications

Scholarship Applications for 2021 have now closed. Examinations will be held on Friday 4 September. An email will be sent to candidates with details of the day.


Medical Plan

NSW Department of Education advises that:

"When students need help with health issues at school, parents may need to consult with their medical practitioner about the implications of the child's health condition for their schooling and any actions that need to occur during the school day. Parents need to convey relevant information from the medical practitioner to the College in writing."


If your child has a medical plan please ensure that the College has a copy. If you need more information please contact the College on 02 6923 8300.