Principal's Message

I have been greatly encouraged and impressed by the resilience of students and their positive attitude towards our second round of remote learning. Not only do they continue to develop their academic skills, but many life skills which will stand them in good stead for the future. They have become so much more independent in managing their own learning, organising themselves to complete work in set time frames and developing those most important 21st century skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity. I look forward to exploring these new skills with students when we return to school.


Yesterday, I attended our yearly principal forum, online of course, and had the pleasure of listening to psychologist, Michael Carr-Gregg. No doubt many of our parent community would be familiar with his work. During his talk, he spoke about the importance of taking care of our own wellbeing during this time of uncertainty. A key message was to focus on the things we have control of. There are many thoughts that often ‘pop’ into our minds that we spend way too much time worrying about. And, we often don’t have control over them anyway. We become very good at predicting the future and focussing on what might happen. 


If you’re looking for some more tips regarding remote learning, follow the link below to an article written by Andrew Fuller, well known child pyschologist.

Fun Fridays


A reminder that our Fun Fridays will continue during remote learning. Classroom teachers will be available each Friday between 9.00 and 11.00 to answer questions and discuss any concerns or issues. Senior students who have art on a Friday will need to find some time to touch base with Eliza and work on their Art activities. Other students can use their time to finish off weekly tasks or work on a project. Or maybe take some time to learn a new skill, do some gardening or even do some exercise.


Building Work


This weekend, there will be work done at the school to remove some asbestos sheeting from the senior building. The school grounds are currently out of bounds to all school families and visitors due to current restrictions and definitely remains a ‘no-go’ zone this weekend.


Have a great week 

