Weeden Heights Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program


A big welcome back to our Weeden Heights families! This week we restarted our remote learning program for the grades 3 and 4. Our focus this term is on wellbeing, giving our families more flexibility for our kitchen garden tasks. Our term 3 Kitchen focus is on knife safety and knife skills. We aim to promote knife safety and skills to nurture student confidence in using knives, the end goal being students obtaining their own knife licence. Our term 3 Garden focus is on observation of change over time and wellbeing. We aim to get students outside, have that time away from screens and have time to observe and reflect on the ever changing seasons. It will be so much fun to share our findings all together!


Throughout this remote learning and lockdown period we remind ourselves to take comfort in the little things. Eating well, getting outside in the garden, reading a favourite book, taking time for ourselves when we can. We are all in this together, supporting one another. We are blessed to have such a wonderful Weeden Heights family and greater community. Stay safe and be kind, we got this!