Carcassonne (South of France)

Salut tout le monde!


 J'espère que vous allez bien. (I hope you are well).

  • Last week,the younger Grades watched a new Barbapapa video and learnt about animals in the jungle. They drew an elephant and learnt a new sentence: 'L'éléphant mange la banane.' (The elephant is eating the banana).
  • Other Grades are focusing on family members for a couple of sessions and are recording the vocabulary on a family tree. They are also learning the various ways to translate 'my', according to the gender of the noun.
  • Finally, we are focusing on the topic of French cities with the Grades 5/6. After watching the video clip of a new song, they learnt new vocabulary, as well as how to answer two questions: 'C'est où?' (Where is it?), 'C'est quoi?' (What is it?).


C'est tout pour aujourdh'hui (That's it for today). Prenez bien soin de vous (Take good care of yourselves).

Bonne semaine et à bientôt! (Have a nice week and talk to you again soon!)

