Maths News


One of the most prestigious Maths competition, the Maths Challenge  finished on  the fourth week of Term 2. Ten students have entered this competition: 5 students in Year 8,

 3 students in Year 9 and 2 students in Year 10. They were given four weeks to complete their 6 problem solving booklets. 


The problems were challenging and required time and persistence, but were based on maths that should be known at that level. Students were allowed to seek help from any resources other than human ones—textbooks, encyclopaedias, etc., calculators and computers. We met at least twice a week so I can check on the students’ progress and answer questions of clarification. Some class time were set aside for consultation with me. 


Marking is now in progress. All submitted solutions are based from marking schemes and solutions provided by the AMT in the Teacher Guide. This also provides alternative solutions, some discussion of the origin, mathematics and teaching issues associated with each problem, and some extension problems with solutions; it is a valuable classroom resource. After marking, I will be submitting the marks to the AMT and, after processing, various levels of certificates will be issued. 


Good luck to all of you!!!!


Maths Coordinator