Over the past four weeks, the Year 11 and 12 VCAL students have been working on a very special Mother’s Day project. With hard work and dedication, we managed to pull it all off. 26 chopping boards and 4 sets of coasters. The boys spent many hours over in the woodwork room putting a great deal of love for the mothers who would receive them. A big shout out to Dean Bennett from Karinie Building supplies for helping us out and supplying the pine for the boards. We made a total profit of $322 from the boards and they sold out quickly.

Another of the items sold was scented candles. We had 21 candles to sell and they were quickly sold on the first day of our stall with not many left for day 2. The girls had to buy appropriate size jars and scents as well as the wax and wicks. As well as buying all the things needed we all needed to learn how to budget and price to make a profit. The overall profit from the candle sales was $18.

Learning from mistakes of how much chilli is too much. We sold homemade Relish with a hint of chilli. Time management and preparation were key skills in preparing the relish. Our relish superstars made a total profit of $69.

And last but not least are the fantastic fabulous earrings made with love by a few of the girls. Dedication and commitment to making the beautiful earrings for our special mothers, sisters, aunties or grandmothers. Thank you for the hard work and being able to make a profit of $126.

A big thank you to all the teachers that were involved with helping us make this possible. As well as a huge thank you to everyone who bought their special person a gift. We made a total profit of $535 which we will be putting towards games and activities around our school yard.