Principal's Report
"If you get tired learn to rest not to quit." - Banksy
Principal's Report
"If you get tired learn to rest not to quit." - Banksy
Our theme for 2022 is: Celebrating 150 years of public education.
I am looking forward to seeing many of our students take a step back in time, to acknowledge a bygone era of public education, in particular the way we have dressed through the periods of time.
I'd like to invite our families and friends to next Monday morning's 9:15am assembly in Kim barne Nitji, to support a celebration and parade, acknowledging the student efforts in dressing up.
Education week will also take various forms of celebrating our past, with an array of learning experiences across the year levels, throughout the week.
RATs will continue to be distributed to you as they have been throughout this school year for the remainder of this term.
However, from Monday 23 May 2022, students will no longer be recommended to undertake twice weekly RATs in mainstream schools.
RATs however will continue to be required by students who are household contacts to attend school (5 negative tests over a 7 day period) or who have symptoms.
The ongoing supply of RATs to families in our school will ensure that parents and carers will have them should they need them if their child is a household contact or has symptoms.
Families must continue to notify the Department of Health and the school if their child returns a positive RAT result. Additionally, you should inform us ( if any of your children are household contacts.
Thank you also to all families who has got their child vaccinated. Vaccination continues to remain the best way to protect students and staff in our school.
Getting vaccinated is easy and bookings can be done via the coronavirus website. If you have any questions about the vaccines, I encourage you to speak to your GP or a health practitioner.
Thank you again for your ongoing cooperation and support during this time.
Last evening a small but engaged & appreciative group of families took part in viewing and listening to a 45min interactive session with Cr Des Hudson.
The session was a great insight and support into the pro-active mechanisms & measures we can adopt as parents / carers in the home environment to support children in the online world.
A huge thank you to the staff who organised and attended to support families in hearing such an important message. It was great to see a number of families attend, to benefit them and family, also.
On Monday, School Council endorsed Friday 10th June as a pupil free day. The day is a joint DET and State Government supported day for staff professional practice in all Victorian Schools. Schools are to nominate their preferred day and gain school council approval, which has been our process.
Please mark Friday 10th June as a pupil free day in your calendars.
I acknowledge the First Peoples of the Wathaurong, who are the traditional custodians of the land and waters on which I work and live, and pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.