Student Voice & Leadership

The SRC has been busy as usual this term! We have started working with Acting Principal, Ms Ind, to plan a dedication ceremony for the beautiful Aboriginal mural completed last year. This process will involve working with the local council and Traditional Owners to ensure our celebration is meaningful and respectful.
Our Fundraising Team has also been working hard as Term 2 is our busiest for fundraising events. We want to say a huge ‘thank you’ to those who helped out with the production stall and to everyone who supported us by purchasing goodies and drinks. We also extend the same thanks to everyone who worked at and supported our annual Athletics Carnival sausage sizzle. All proceeds from our fundraising events are put towards future projects which enable us to continue making improvements to the school.
The Garden Team has been quietly working away behind the scenes but has been just as busy. We will soon start to see some new developments in the Wellbeing Garden space later this year! In week 7 of this term, Belinda Moody, a sustainability officer from Whitehorse Council, visited our school to advise on how best we can use the space and speak to us about how we could use the area with sustainable practices in mind. We look forward to seeing this team’s hard work pay off very soon!
House Update - Term 2
In Term 2, Box Hill High School hosted its first ever House Crest competition. Now that we have new house names, we wanted to celebrate by inviting students to design an individualised crest that would portray the qualities and values of each house’s namesake – think Harry Potter style! We asked students to think about a motto and a mascot that would best represent their house and use their creative talents to design a unique crest. We have received some great entries and the House Captains are currently in the process of reviewing the applications. Finalists and winners will be determined in Term 3, so stay tuned!
By Sarah Weyenberg
Student Voice Coordinator