Senior School Update

Senior School team
Year 12 Update
It has been another incredibly busy term for Year 12 students, with two major events in the first five weeks. In Week 3, some of our cohort were involved in the highly successful school musical, 'Spamalot', which wowed audiences and almost completely sold out five shows. Many of these students had been involved in previous productions and it marked the end of a joyful era of performing for them at Box Hill. The leadership shown by all senior students was outstanding and they welcomed the younger students into the production family with great warmth.
This term has seen lots of interschool sports teams out competing:- Division Cross Country, Basketball, Table Tennis, Soccer, Badminton and AFL. Feedback from their respective teachers and coaches is that the team spirit and effort has been phenomenal and there is a lot of excitement around being able to compete externally again after the last few years. It has been really pleasing to see the strategizing and camaraderie around the teams, some even recruiting their own managers and cheer squads!
Week 5 saw the first Box Hill Year 12 Formal in 3 years and it was wonderful to see the extraordinary outfits and glamour on display, as well as some truly impressive dance floor action. Thanks to the formal committee for their work in bringing the event together; it was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate our lovely cohort and have a night out to relax in a busy year.
Looking forward, we are preparing for more assessments, the GAT and of course those end of year exams – with a focus on supporting students through the challenges Covid continues to throw at us. The Senior Team is always here to support students academically and with wellbeing, so please do not hesitate to reach out. Almost half way through Year 12!
By Amy Longden
Year 12 Coordinator