2023 Subject Selection
The preparation of a school timetable is a very long and complex process. The process begins 6 months prior, and the first and most important step is students selecting their subjects for the following year. This process needs to be completed by mid-August.
Year 7 & 8 students will be informed of the process through assemblies early in term 3. Parents and students will be emailed instructions and a unique code that will allow them to access edval choice (web based subject selection platform) to choose their electives for 2023.
Year 9 to 11 students process (in term 3):
- Assemblies to explain the process in detail
- Senior school expo (20 July, 5 to 7pm) for year 9 to 11 parents & students
- Individual session with a course advisor
We ask that you help your children make the best possible subject choice by reading the relevant handbook/s and having a conversation with your child about the subjects on offer. This term break is the perfect opportunity (hopefully) to make some time to read the handbooks and make time to discuss with your child.
- Handbooks are found on Compass under the Community menu
- Selecting School Documentation
- Selecting Students & Parents folder
- Select Subject Selection Information
- Select the relevant year level
VCE Vocational Major
In 2023 Box Hill High School will introduce the new VCE pathway Vocational Major for year 11 students.
What is the VCE Vocational Major (VM)?
The VCE Vocational Major is a new vocational and applied learning program that sits within the VCE. It is four new subjects that have been added to the VCE that will make up the core of the program. It takes what is called an ‘Applied Learning approach”. Applied learning involves students engaging in relevant and authentic learning experiences. It is a method of learning where theoretical information comes to life for students in a real world context that relates directly to their own future, is within their own control and is within an environment where they feel safe and respected. Students' knowledge grows and expands as they take action to learn, reflect on that action and plan how to do it better next time.
It is a two year program over Year 11 and 12. Only students who enrol in the full program can choose these new VCE VM studies.
The VCE Vocational Major will prepare students to move successfully into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, university through alternative entry programs or directly into the workforce. The four main studies are assessed at a school level through authentic assessment activities. There are no external examinations for the VCE VM studies and therefore students do not receive a study score and are not eligible to receive an ATAR.
Students who have completed the satisfactory completion requirements of the VCE VM will receive a Victorian Certificate of Education with the words Vocational Major on it to recognise their achievements.
For more information click on the link below:
Many Talents One VCE | Victorian Government (www.vic.gov.au)
By Theresa Iacapino
Assistant Principal