Careers Update

By Anna Langley
Work Experience
Congratulations to the following Year 10 students who completed work experience this term. These students practised their networking and job-seeking skills by sourcing a host employer and demonstrated their time management and communication skills by liaising with their employer and teachers about their placement. They also developed their general employability skills while gaining valuable insight into their industry and occupation of interest, as well as important self-knowledge to help them make decisions about their futures. They participated in a post-placement reflection and wrote cards of thanks to their host employers.
Kate Hong – Aqualink Box Hill: ‘It was awesome…Now that I have done work experience at Aqualink, in the future I really would love to get a job there as a lifeguard.’
Sam Diss – Surrey Hills Primary School: ‘The thing that I most enjoyed was getting to...see smiles on the kids’ faces for the smallest things.’
Saachi Doriwali – Holistic Dental
Jaimi Schneider – Pope Road Kindergarten
We have several more students awaiting their work experience placements and we encourage more Year 10s to seize the opportunity in Semester Two. Work experience is an approved educational activity so does not affect your attendance. If you are still concerned about missing five days of school, try to arrange your placement between 5th – 16th December, after Year 11 Jump Start.
Box Hill Institute Interview Workshops
Year 10 students were invited to participate in an interview workshop led by the Box Hill Institute Jobs and Skills Centre. The interactive workshops involved group activities to understand and practise answering common job interview questions. Students also partook in a simulated group interview which is often part of the recruitment process of large retail and hospitality employers.
Several of our Year 10 students have been successful in getting casual or part-time jobs after participating in the Box Hill Institute workshops or from seeking help from us at our weekly Year 10 drop-in sessions.
Congratulations Fiona and Anna
After completing her Certificate IV in Career Development earlier this year, Fiona is continuing study in the CEAV Institute’s Post-Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice. Anna has now also completed her Post-Graduate Certificate in Career Education and Development through RMIT University. Both Fiona and Anna were successful in securing Department of Education and Training scholarships as part of the Transforming Career Education in Victorian Government Schools initiative. We congratulate and thank them for the time and additional work they have invested in their studies to better serve the Box Hill High School community.
VET Snapshots
Screen and Media
I’m Matt Bradbeer and I’ve been studying 1st year Certificate III in Screen and Media at Collingwood Collage this year. I’ve found VET very enjoyable due to the specialised assignments and content. I’ve always been passionate about movies, artworks, characters, and fantasy universes, and this course has allowed me to delve deeper into this field and discover the process of animation and character design, through advanced 3D software. This course also grants a certificate upon completion, giving me a leg up when pursuing careers in similar industries down the line.
Sound Production
VET, or Vocational Education and Training, is an extra subject you can begin when you start Year 10 and it runs over two years just like a normal VCE subject. I am currently studying Sound Production and Engineering once a week on a Wednesday. In class you participate in hands-on work where you learn specific skills about your chosen course.
I started my course last year and met some of the most like-minded people in my life and have created the best friendships along the way. I see my course as a melting pot from all of Melbourne because there are people who come from Point Cook, Brighton, and Coburg. Because of this, you get people from all walks of life all in one spot because they have a love and passion for music. My course consists of setting up and recording in professional recording studios, live mixing for bands, and working on your own digital production.
Year 9 Morrisby Profiling
Year 9 students completed their Morrisby profiling at the start of the term and will have a 30-minute appointment with a qualified consultant to unpack the results at the start of Term 3. We strongly encourage parents/careers to participate in the interview so you can discuss the results and support your child with their Year 10 subject choices.
Morrisby for Year 10 – 12 Students
Students who have previously completed their Morrisby profile have lifetime access and we recommend revisiting your results to explore study and career possibilities in the lead up to subject selection or when researching TAFE and university courses. If you:
- Have forgotten your password: message us on Teams to have it reset.
- Enrolled after Year 9 or haven’t completed your profile for other reasons: Please see us in G4 to make profiling arrangements.
- Don’t feel as though your results reflect you: Book a careers appointment to discuss or reset and resit your profile.
Year 12 Pathway Planning
Many VET and Higher Education institutions are beginning to host their annual Open Days for prospective students. We encourage all Year 12 students to visit multiple institutions to help them make the most informed decisions about their futures. You can find a list of dates and links through VTAC.
Over the coming weeks, all Year 12s will be booked into a tutorial during their study periods to learn how to use and understand VTAC Course Search. When registrations open in August, we will show them how to set up their VTAC account, after which we will have individual appointments to assist students with their study or work plans for 2023.
To help with these processes, please ensure your child finds or creates a Unique Student Identifier (USI) and that they begin the process of applying for a Tax File Number (TFN). A USI is required to set up their VTAC account in August and TFN is required to enrol in a Commonwealth Supported Place (government subsidised) at university or TAFE, so is needed prior to offers being released in December.