Health & Physical Education

In preparation for VCE Physical Education we start practicing some of the main skills in junior years HPE. One of the particularly large areas that students need preparation for is writing and completing fitness training programs.
In Term 1 & 2, Year 9 students created a two week training program that they could complete at home. After studying the key areas of fitness, students then set off to create and justify a program to help improve their fitness. The goal was to create a program that incorporated each of the key areas of fitness. The program needed to involve the following points: It had to be able to be done using minimal equipment, It needed be completed at home and It needed to be easy to follow.
Here are some examples of students training programs. The quality of work was so high given that this is a new skill students were exposed to.
Click on the links below to download and read.
By Jess Goodwin
Head of P.E.