The Arts

Year 7 - Designer Muffins
By Annalisa Buyks
As part of Box Hill High School’s Food Technology curriculum, our Year 7s have worked through the Design Process in their primary Common Assessment Task (CAT) for the semester.
Students investigated, modified recipes, worked collaboratively with a partner to bring in special ingredients and tested their cookery skills in a safe and positive learning environment. Overall, we are very impressed by our students’ resilience, achievements and growth during this time.
Please find below some quotes from students when asked what they enjoyed about their experiences during this Design Process CAT.
“It was very fun to make and put in our own twist as there were thousands of muffins we can make. I also enjoyed learning how to make a muffin and learning how to make different types of muffin and OBVIOUSLY I loved eating the muffins.”
Vivaan Banerjee
“Eating my muffins after I made them and having that feeling of satisfaction” Joshua Choy
“Making food with others and designing our own muffin recipe”
Patrick Cushing
“Working with my friends, and creating something unique and original by ourselves”
Anesha Arwal
What does it mean to be an Art and Design Leader
This year, we asked for two student volunteers in every art and design class to help-out, step-up and have a little more to do with the running of the classroom. This was great for our busy art teachers who, due to the high practical component of our classes, can always do with an extra set of hands! It was also great to give students the opportunity to take on a leadership role.
By James Taylor
The Art & Design leaders were responsible for things such as:
- helping their classroom teacher hand out art materials
- listening to peers about their art experience and being a student voice by giving feedback to their teacher
- reminding the class to start packing up 5 to 10 minutes before the bell
- doing a sweep of the room and checking that all materials have been packed away
- helping promote the Arts at BHHS through word of mouth
- attending two lunch-time meetings to meet and collaborate with other art leaders
- assisting with art exhibition set up and take down
Being a Art & Design Leader isn’t just about helping the Arts Department. You can also use the opportunity to help yourself. One of our year 10 Arts leaders revealed “being an art leader got me a job at a bookstore!”. This student noted her involvement as an arts leader on her resume and asked Ms Brewer for a reference. This ultimately helped her land her first ever job!
A year 9 Design & Technology student commented, "I took on this role because I like to try new things. I was happy to help my teacher with the counting and collection of tools at the end of class". And a year 8 art student reminds us about the ultimate reason for wanting to become an Arts Leader, “Art is fun. Being an art leader can make it more fun for others!”
I want to thank Ms Brewer for initiating this wonderful program.
Year 10 Studio Excursion
Year 11 Studio Excursion
Year 11 VCD Excursion
Year 12 Studio Excursion
Year 12 VCD Excursion