Grade Two

Wow, it is hard to believe that we are half way through Term 2! We have been very impressed with our students and how they have taken on challenges and are continuing to grow in their learning journey.
In Literacy, students have been focusing on reading and writing procedural texts. The students were introduced to a variety of procedural texts. They explored the features of procedural texts and included these in their writing. We were so amazed with the student’s efforts when they were working through the Writing Process to publish a procedural text. We are now moving into reading and writing creative non-fiction texts about an animal. We can’t wait to see the students produce their very own books!
In Mathematics students have focused on dividing collections into fractions by using drawings and items around the room. We also played a fun game called ‘Fraction Boogie’ where we used newspapers to fold into fractions while dancing around the room. The students have explored time, focusing on telling the time on an analogue clock to the quarter hour. They were excited to play time games with the class and partners as well as finding out that fractions has a strong connection with time.
We also enjoyed using our knowledge of money at the Mother’s Day Stall, it was great to see students using money in a real life situation.
During our Integrated sessions we have been exploring ‘Change’ by investigating living things and what they need to survive. As a year level we collected student wonderings and used those to explore living things and their characteristics. The students were thrilled to investigate skin shedding and the use of blubber to survive cold temperatures by taking part in experiments. We also took advantage of the environment around the school and went looking for worms, we compared these under the microscope with gummy worms. We are looking forward to creating a diorama that shows the changes that animals undergo.
We would like to thank you for all of your continued support throughout Term 2, it is very much appreciated.
The Grade Two Team