Grade One

It’s hard to believe we are in Week 6 of Term Two! We have been very busy over the last few weeks having FUN at school with lots of BIG events! We had our yearly visit from Sam and Brent from the Cyber Safety Project where we learnt how to be safe and STOP when we start to feel unsafe online. The Grade 1 students showed immense enthusiasm with Active April and a big congratulations to David who completed over a 100 laps! National Simultaneous Storytime this year was a huge success. We enjoyed listening to the story “Family Tree” by Josh Pyke with over 2 million other people around the globe.
This term, our students have been learning all about how procedural texts work. We have explored their purpose and structure, along with the specific language features, such as verbs and adverbs. Students have learnt that procedural texts have instructions for how to achieve a task, such as a recipe or how to make or do something. All students have worked through the writing process to plan, draft, edit, revise and publish some of their own procedural writing.
We have also enjoyed reading and sharing procedural texts from authors who show us how to improve our own skills. Wombat Stew by Marcia Vaughan was a favourite with our students. We then followed the reading tasks by writing our own bush stew recipes. We have all been practising our independent reading skills and learning how diagrams and labels help the reader to explain information more clearly. We have some amazing readers and budding authors among us in Grade 1. Great work everybody!
The Grade 1 students have been working hard during Mathematics this term. To begin our Term, we collated data for our grade and our daily laps for Active April where students then used this data to design their own graphs. In the week leading up to Mothers’ Day, we explored money and had a practice of counting Australian coins before we visited the Mothers’ Day stall. We practiced telling the time in terms of o’clock and half past through the use of mini clocks as well as recording digitally. We used a range of manipulatives to measure the length of different objects around the classroom. It was great fun looking for 3D shapes in the environment and learning the features of each one.
Integrated Studies & RRRR:
This term we have been exploring Change in our environment. We have loved being scientists and conducting experiments in our classroom. We explored how clouds form using boiling water, hairspray and ice. We have also started our own experiment by planting seeds in the classroom and we are so excited to watch them grow over the next few weeks.