
Once again, the Prep students have been busy bees this term. We have had all sorts of fun dressing up in our pyjamas, performing for our mums and special female family members for Mother’s Day, making jam sandwiches and cooking donuts in the kitchen (just to mention a few things). You may have even seen the Prep teachers dressed up as different community helpers earlier in the term!
To keep up to date with what we are learning about week to week as well as any special events coming up, please continue to check our weekly Seesaw overviews.
Here’s a little bit more about what we have been focusing our learning on this term so far:
The Prep students have continued to learn and practice new letters and sounds introduced in our words of the week. They are even beginning to apply this knowledge to their reading and writing which is absolutely fantastic to see.
Our focus this term has been on non-fiction texts and writing, and the students have been learning about the important features found in non-fiction books such as headings, subheadings, labelled diagrams, contents pages and index pages. They have been using this knowledge in their writing and learning about the genre of information reports.
The Prep students have been introduced to a wide range of maths concepts this term, however we have had a particular focus on addition and subtraction. They have been learning to use different strategies to help them solve open ended worded problems, and students have been encouraged to find the strategies that best work for them.
We thank you for all the donations of boxes and other recycled materials so that the students were able to build their community helper buildings during our maths unit on shapes. They did an amazing job of identifying all the 2D and 3D shapes they used to make their buildings.
Integrated Studies:
As you are aware, the Prep students have been learning all about community helpers this term, as well as which communities they personally belong too.
Additionally, we have been following the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program which allows students to focus on social and emotional learning.
As usual, please keep your eyes on Seesaw and Compass for more information regarding what goes on in our school and classrooms.
The Prep Team