School Related Information

Prep Enrolments 2023
We urge all parents who wish to enrol their child/children at Oatlands Primary School for 2023 and reside within the school zone to enrol as soon as possible. Enrolment forms can be found on our website or can be collected from the office. Please provide birth certificate and copy of current immunisation certificate when submitting forms.
Our annual Book Fair is returning!
Just a little different this year.
Presented by Lamont Books, our O.P.S Book Fair will commence Tuesday 14 June until Wednesday 22 June and will be open daily 3.30p.m. – 4.15p.m.
The selection will include a wide range of books from both Australian and Overseas authors and illustrators.
Our school benefits by receiving generous commission in the form of books, to add to the
school resources.
Eftpos will be available to purchase items. Unfortunately we cannot accept cash.
Parents will also be able to access the Lamont Books Payment Portal. Students will select titles and write them on their ‘Wish List’ at school. Parents can then make an online payment to Lamont, entering the students name, school and book details. A receipt will be sent to you via email, which needs to be brought to school by the student to redeem for items on their Wish List.
Go to:
Select ‘Book Fairs Payment Portal’. Complete the details.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Book Fair.
Following Road Signs Around Schools
As we move through the weeks of Term 2, it is important that we continue to drive safely around schools and ensure we are following the road signs. Schools are busy places, and the signs can sometimes seem confusing.
Please see attachment below to help explain some of the road signs you may see around schools: