School Info

School Photos
Photos will be on the 8th and 9th April and ordering forms have been send home with students.
Students are to bring their completed envelopes back to school on the day of the photographs and give directly to the photographer.
Dress for photos: students are to wear either the school dress, the new ASC school everyday polo, or a white button through shirt.
A timetable is available for the photo days
We suggest that the relevant information is read on the MSP Photography payment envelopes and remember these helpful points:
- Don’t seal envelopes inside each other. You can pay for all children in one envelope; however, each child needs to have their own envelope on photo day.
- Family envelopes are available at the school office upon request.
- Family photos will be packed inside the eldest child’s individual photo pack.
- Please enclose the correct money as no change can be given.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be held on 8th April for those students in Stages 4 & 6.
Parents are able to book for Monday, 8th April, up until Friday, 5th April. Please login to the parent portal - more details in link attached.
This is a fantastic opportunity to meet with your child's teachers. We are encouraging students to be in attendance to participate in the discussion on their progress.
Thank you to all the parents & students who attended the parent/teacher/student interviews for Stages 4 & 5 on the 1st April.
Communication with Office
When communicating by note to the school admin team, please can you include: a date, your child's first name and surname, year level and your own name so that we can verify and process. Thank you for your assistance.
(Ps - the note and name below is fictitious and used as an example)
Traffic safety around the school is of paramount importance to us all. Please refer to the attached below for information relating to the traffic laws that apply to the area around our school.
In addition, it has been reported to the school that some students are crossing roads (eg Glen Innes Rd) whilst looking at their phones. Please emphasise with your child the importance of being alert and safe when crossing the roads.
Blood Donors
All Red Cross Blood Donors are invited to register as members of the newly formed Red25 group - "Armidale Secondary College".
Every donation not only adds to the tally for our group, but also saves lives!
To join, either as a new or existing donor:
- phone (13 14 95) and ask to be registered with the group
- ask the Red Cross nurses to register you with the group at the time of donation
- register online at (Donors with an account: select Donate (even if you're not intending to make an appointment at this time), log in, click My Details (top right), select Manage Details, click Update My Preferences, start typing Armidale... into the Red25 entry box and our groupname should appear in the drop-down options.)
Thank you for joining in with our group mission to save lives.
School Jackets
School jackets are now available in time for winter from the admin office at $60 each. They are lovely and warm and perfect for winter.
Eagle Mascot
Go where eagles dare!
We need a costume for our PBL mascot, the eagle.
This mascot will appear at a range of school events to promote our 3 core vales: Respect, Resilience and Responsibility. If anyone is handy with sewing or textiles and would be happy to volunteer their time to help make our mascot dream come true, please contact either Jess Brennan or Fiona Kelly at the school 6772 1266.
Term Dates
12 April - Last Day of Term 1
Term 2:
Monday, 29 April - Staff Development Day
Tuesday, 30 April - Students Yrs 7 - 12 Return