Quality Learning and Teaching Coordinator

Lauren Amey

Reporting at PHS in 2021.

This year we are changing the way we communicate with our home about our child’s learning. 

Australia Curriculum (AC) Snap Shots 

In Week 5, all Year 8 - 10 subjects, parents/caregivers will receive via Australian Post ‘AC Snap Shot’ this is based on a traffic light system of Green, Amber, Red to provide feedback on how your student is achieving the Standard at their year level. 


Green - all work is completed and is at a satisfactory standard or higher  

Orange -  at risk of not meeting standard  

Red - student achievement is below the standard  

Learning Conversations

Learning Conversations are a 3-way conference between parents/caregivers, the learner and their teachers which will occur in Week 8 on Wednesday between 3:30 - 7:00pm. More information surrounding booking in for these will be in the next newsletter. 


Learning conferences are designed to achieve one or more of the following goals:

• to help students demonstrate evidence of learning

• to engage students the process of reflection and self-evaluation

• to encourage students, parents, and teachers to engage in open and honest dialogue

• to encourage students to accept personal responsibility for their learning

Written Reports 

Written Reports will be sent home via Australian Post at the end of each semester.


Lauren Amey

Quality Learning and Teaching Coordinator