Year 3 - Year 6

Assistant Principal's Report

Jane King

Welcome to 2021 Pakenham Springs PS


Many of us are holding the year of 2021 in high hopes and thus far, it has not disappointed.


In just six days of the new school year, we have said farewell to some families who have had to make late changes and we have welcomed new families into the school community.  With many things remaining strong and consistent, as they should in an effective school, we continue with our Readers and Writers Workshop Model and begin a strong and purposeful focus on building Mathematics.  This year staff and students will delve deeper into problem-solving, reasoning, fluency and understanding in relation to Mathematics, so stay tuned to explore these concepts with us.


We have also welcomed new staff members into our Professional Learning Community, whilst other staff members have moved into different year levels.


Meet the Year Three Team

Kate Bucknell Team Leader
Bec Kotzur
Janet Marki
Jenni Bradford
Sarah Watson (M-Th)
Mel Breadon (Fridays)
Lesley Belsham (LSA)
Kate Bucknell Team Leader
Bec Kotzur
Janet Marki
Jenni Bradford
Sarah Watson (M-Th)
Mel Breadon (Fridays)
Lesley Belsham (LSA)

Meet the Year Four Team

Veronica Cole Team Leader
Sarah Godfrey (M-T)
Ash Windley (W-F)
Bryoni Lloyd
Leanne Jager
Shogofa Kareemy
Veronica Cole Team Leader
Sarah Godfrey (M-T)
Ash Windley (W-F)
Bryoni Lloyd
Leanne Jager
Shogofa Kareemy

Meet the Year Five Team

Kelly Utting Team Leader & Learning Specialist
Michelle Salt Watson (M-Th)
Dylan Harris (F)
Chelsie Selleck (new to PSPS - Photo to come)
Ellen Williams (new to PSPS - Photo to come)
Natalie Coxon
Belinda Williamson LSA
Julia Stephens LSA
Kellie Cameron LSA
Karen Bredin LSA
Mandy Jennings (photo to come)
Kelly Utting Team Leader & Learning Specialist
Michelle Salt Watson (M-Th)
Dylan Harris (F)
Chelsie Selleck (new to PSPS - Photo to come)
Ellen Williams (new to PSPS - Photo to come)
Natalie Coxon
Belinda Williamson LSA
Julia Stephens LSA
Kellie Cameron LSA
Karen Bredin LSA
Mandy Jennings (photo to come)

Meet the Year Six Team

Amy Jewell Team Leader & Learning Specialist
Ben Howlett
Samira Rahimi
Jackie Pope (M-Th)
Bree McKenzie (F)
Bernadette Monckton
Rosalie MacKenzie LSA Team Leader
Michelle Kendall LSA
Simone Wade LSA
Tracey Fraser LSA
Amy Jewell Team Leader & Learning Specialist
Ben Howlett
Samira Rahimi
Jackie Pope (M-Th)
Bree McKenzie (F)
Bernadette Monckton
Rosalie MacKenzie LSA Team Leader
Michelle Kendall LSA
Simone Wade LSA
Tracey Fraser LSA

We have such fantastic staff here at Pakenham Springs, I am confident our students and families will build productive relationships and have a great year ahead.  Please be sure to check your child's class 'NEWSFEED' on COMPASS for important updates and information.  COMPASS is also the best and most efficient method of contacting your child's teacher regarding questions.

Sleep Needs for Students

The amount of sleep a child needs varies depending on the individual, however, as children progress through to the Middle and Senior school, learning demands and expectations also increase.  These are more easily met when well-rested.  Some general guidelines are:


7-12 Years Old need 10 - 11 hours of sleep per day.  At these ages, with social, school, and family activities, bedtimes gradually become later and later.  It is important to note that children in Years 3-6 perform best with at least 10 hours sleep and a regular bedtime routine. 


ICT is also a big factor when it comes to sleep. In data recently collected, 28% of Australian students in Years 3-6 are sending and receiving text messages between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am.  Do you know where your child's devices are after bedtime?


2021 really is set to be a year of high expectations and much fun.  Our teachers are ready and I cannot speak highly enough of how calm and settled each classroom has been.  I have spoken a lot about whole school practices and routines but honestly, the results speak for themselves.


I am looking forward to joining the classrooms in learning over the next fortnight and sharing this with you.


Jane King

Assistant Principal