Principal's Report

Renee Cotterell (Acting Principal)

Welcome Back!

A new school year has begun and we are straight back into the learning at Pakenham Springs!  It has been fantastic to see our students come back with positive attitudes and motivation for being the best student they can possibly be.  It's lovely to also have our parent community allowed back on-site - we've missed seeing your faces at drop off and pick up times!  To all of our new families, we extend a warm welcome to you.  One of the things I love most about Pakenham Springs is our sense of community - we're not just a school, we're a learning family.  We all hope you enjoy your time at PSPS.

New faces

At Pakenham Springs, we are delighted to welcome a number of new and returning staff back this year. 


From Family Leave, we welcome back Mrs Natalie Higgins (working with our Prep students) and Mrs Lucy Hoogenboom (Year 2).


We also welcome Miss Kendall Wilkie (Year 1), Miss Sally Coote (Prep), Miss Ellen Williams (Year 5) and Miss Chelsie Selleck (Year 5) to the Springs. 

Prep-land is open for business!

This year we welcomed 94 new little Preps to PSPS.  After such an interrupted year of Kindergarten, and the inability to run most of our on-site Step into Prep sessions last year, it really is a big step for our new little community members.  It was wonderful to welcome so many of our Prep families to the school at our inaugural Step into Prep Welcome BBQ in the last week of the holidays.  We hope that this gave you and your child a little more peace of mind when beginning your PSPS journey.  Our Prep classrooms have been buzzing this week with lots of excitement!  We are focusing on getting to know the school routines and discussing what makes us great learners at PSPS.

And the other end of the school!

At the other end of the school, our Year 6 students began their final year of Primary School by taking part in our Senior Students Conference.  This is a unique experience where our Senior role models take part in workshops and hear motivational speakers focused on setting goals, taking advantage of opportunities and persisting until success is achieved. The conference this year was a huge success (and for the record, the Staff were victorious once more in the annual Staff V Students basketball match!) 

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is commencing on Monday 8th February.  It will run from 8:30am - 8:45am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Multi-Purpose Room.  Students (and families) are welcome to pop in for toast or cereal before the students head into class at 8:45am. 


Ms Tere, our wonderful chaplain, will have the space ready to go and we have received our first shipment of supplies from Foodbank. 


We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to get a parking spot around our school - this is a headache experienced by most schools across the state!  Please be mindful of observing the road rules and parking restrictions around the boundary of our school.   We also ask that you are respectful of our neighbours when parking on the street.  There is no entry to our school car park by parents - our spaces are only for staff and for the Kindergarten and Maternal & Child Health Centre.

Student Safety

Just a reminder that students require parental supervision if they are on school grounds before 8:30am and after 3:30pm.   Out of Hours School Care is available if parents are unable to make other care arrangements.   Please contact OshClub if you require care before or after school on any school day.

Coughs? Sore throat? Fever?

Don't bring your germs to school!  If your child is unwell, please, please, please, keep them home!  It remains more important than ever for students that are unwell to stay home.  Also please ensure your emergency contact details are current on Compass - it is a requirement that unwell children are collected as soon as possible from school.



Have a great week!


Renee Cotterell

Principal (Acting)