Family Engagement in Learning

'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go.'


We warmly invite mums, grandmas and special friends to our Mother’s Day Celebrations tomorrow Friday May 6th from 9:15 - 10:00am.  Due to the inclement weather, the morning will take place inside the classrooms with Covid Safe measures in place. Families will be grouped together in the following areas:


Nepean/Blue - School hall

Hinton/Red - 1/2O & 1/2B (Rm 1 & Rm 2)  classrooms

McCombe/Green - 3/4J & 3/4A (Rm 9 & Rm 10) classrooms

Besgrove/Yellow - 5/6 (Rm 13,14,15) classrooms


Please arrive outside the allocated area at 9:15am and your child/children will meet you there.  We look forward to celebrating Mother’s Day with you.


Fleur Koole

Community Engagement Leader