Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Families


What a busy start to Term 2 we have had, it has definitely started with a bang with such events as - Cross Country, Mother's Day Stall and activities and our P-2 Swimming Program at YAWA. All on top of our launch to learning this term.





Name the canteen!  We are inviting students to come up with a name of the canteen. They can bring entries in on a piece paper to the office, with their name and class and can enter as many ideas as they want! Competition closes Friday May 20th.


Next Friday, eighteen of our Year 6 students celebrate their Sacrament of Confirmation. We ask for your prayerful support of all involved in preparing the young people for this major step in their faith lives as they prepare to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Please keep the students, their families and those preparing them in your prayers.


Extension of the rapid antigen testing program for schools

A reminder that the rapid antigen test (RAT) screening program continues for the first four weeks of this term. It is recommended to test at home twice a week. Please continue to contact the school with positive cases.


Late Arrival to/Early Departure from school 

If your child arrives at school after the bell has sounded please make sure you sign your child in via the office before your child heads down to the classroom. Your child will be given a late pass to hand to their teacher. 


If you are picking your child up early, again you need to go to the office to sign your child out and you take the early departure pass to your child's teacher. This process has blurred due to COVID restriction over the past 12 months but please be advised this will be the practice going forward.



Next week, we see the return of our students attending Mass, this is wonderful news. Our Year 5 and 6 students will attend the Parish Mass next Friday May 13th at 9.30am - on our Feast Day. Parents and carers are most welcome to attend. We ask that you please respond to the Operoo note that was was sent out to all families this morning regarding attendance.


Parent/carer helpers

A big thank you to all of our parent/carer helpers over the first two weeks of Term 2 . Your involvement and support in the Canteen (ANZAC Day biscuits), Cross Country, Mother's Day Stall and the P-2 Swimming Program is greatly appreciated - we can't run these events without you. 


School Closure Day - Staff Retreat Day

On Tuesday 26 April, our staff headed to Don Bosco Camp and Retreat Centre in Safety Beach with a focus on 'contemplative approach to prayer.' The day was aligned to one of our key priorities 'a strengthening of the Catholic culture of the school.' We gained a deeper understanding of what Christian meditation is, as well as having numerous opportunities to experience and practice. We looked at how we identify ourselves with Fatima, Portugal and the encounters that took place their with children.  Our next steps are to take the learning we had on this day and look at how we can bring it to life here at school with our students.


Sustainability Victoria Finalist

We have been shortlisted for two awards through Sustainability Victoria under Resource Smart Schools Awards 2022. The categories are:

  • Community Leadership School of the Year: This category recognises schools that best demonstrate a commitment to community leadership through the encouragement of innovative sustainability practices and action on climate change.
  • Teacher of the Year - Amanda Heggen: This category recognises teachers who best demonstrate leadership in sustainability. 

This is amazing news for our school. We are very proud to be finalists under community and for Mrs. Heggen to be recognised for the work she does.


In closing, thank you for the many congratulations and kind words with the announcement of my appointment as Principal at Our Lady of Fatima. I am delighted to be an official member of the Fatima family and I look forward to working in partnership with you for many years to come.


Kind regards

Sarah McDermott :)