From the Assistant Principal


Welcome back

Welcome back to what is shaping up to be a very jam-packed term at Kalinda. We are looking forward to excursions (Scienceworks Grade 4, Cranbourne Botanical Gardens Grade 3, Mont De Lancy Grades 1 and 2), Interschool sport, PMP (Foundation and Grade 1), and Dugdale Cup. We are looking forward to welcoming lots of new families who have booked in for School tours, our Open Night on 24th May, and lots more! 

Your child's progress

I hope that you enjoyed the opportunity to meet with your classroom teacher and the end of last term and have a clear understanding of your child's current learning goals. Throughout the term teachers will be working hard on compiling extremely detailed written reports, which will be complemented by a second round of Parent Teacher Interviews in Term 3 and a second written report in Term 4. We strive to make our communication year round so that there are no 'surprises' when it comes to your child's progress against the Victorian Curriculum.


School tours

I absolutely adore hosting school tours because it gives me a chance to talk (a lot!) about my favourite subject.... Kalinda Primary School! All of our tours have been heavily booked so far and it has been lovely to welcoming so many  families embarking on the exciting journey of finding the 'right fit' school for their child. If you know of someone with a child starting school in 2023, or you are a prospective family and would like to chat to our leadership team please contact the school office on 98763289 or


There are still vacancies for some school tours, book now at: 




This week I attended training by  SAFEMinds with a small team of staff. SAFEMinds is a Headspace initiative and stands for "Schools and Families Enhancing Minds" and is a comprehensive professional learning and resource package that enhances the capacity of educators and school communities to; effectively identify children and young people with early signs of mental health concerns, implement school-based interventions and refer to other support services as needed. 


SAFEMinds also has many resources for families and parents to browse and I will share some of them over the next few newsletters. In the meantime you might like to take a look at this link: 



Other parenting resources


We are kind. We are resilient. We are respectful.