Macleod Values & Merit Awards

Macleod has started the year focussing on our new School Values of Achieve, Respect and Connect, with our aim to work on a Positive Climate for Learning.
To acknowledge students for demonstrating positive behaviour that align with the College Values, the College has established a Merit Award points system where students receive acknowledgement for positive behaviour that demonstrates the College values in class and around school. Once a Merit has been awarded, students and parents will receive an email to inform them of this.
To celebrate the students’ achievements there will be year level assemblies to acknowledge the student's positive behaviours and each semester students who receive merit points will be in a draw to win prizes.
Our students displayed the College Values throughout our recent Athletics Carnival Day.
Achieve: participating in events
Respect: showing a positive attitude towards each other
Connect: competing with each other respectfully
Michelle Wallis
Assistant Principal