Play time safety

Yard Supervisor Mel

From Anna-Marie, Assistant Principal


If you ask your children what their favourite part of the day is, I’m guessing a majority will say that it is playtime! Playtime is an extremely fun and important time for our students and we also know it is a busy bustling place out in our yard, so safety is a priority.


If a student is injured or needs assistance they are encouraged to see a yard teacher and if a visit to Nurse Jen is required they will be given a token which they take into the sick bay.


Sun safety is also a priority and although the season has changed and we are moving into cooler mornings and evenings the UV is still strong during the day. From September to April all students are required to wear a hat at playtimes, if students don’t have a hat they need to sit in a designated shaded spot.


To help with discussions at home please see below a map of the play areas, shaded area for ‘no hat no play’ as well as a picture of a friendly yard duty teacher who is wearing a high visibility vest.