Since the earliest days in the life of the church, people have marked the events of each day, following Jesus from his triumphal entrance into Jerusalem on the day that we call Palm Sunday, through to the momentous events of Maundy (Holy) Thursday and Good Friday, the sheer desolation of Holy Saturday and the joy of Easter Day.


Please share the following prayers with the family as we travel through Holy week embarking on the most important days of Jesus’ life which led to His crucifixion and rising to new Life.


Day 1 – Palm Sunday: 

Jesus, just as the people of Jerusalem welcomed you into the city on Palm Sunday, I welcome you into every aspect of my life today. Please enter my mind and heart and renew them through your Holy Spirit. I give every situation in my life to you – both good and bad circumstances – and trust you to help me with it all. I praise you for your love and wisdom, which you offer me in any circumstances. Thank you for walking beside me on my journey through life, in both the hills and valleys of life’s ups and downs. Thank you, God, for showing me your glory through the wondrous ways you’re working in my life. I’m in awe of you, and excited to grow closer to you during the Holy Week. Amen.


Day 2 – Holy Monday: 

Today, as I think about your frustration over the fig tree that didn’t bear fruit, I ask you to forgive me for the times I’ve failed to live up to my potential. As I ponder your righteous anger at the money changers you cast out of the temple, I ask your forgiveness for when I’ve sinned against you. Please empower me to overcome temptations to sin. Thank you for serving as my advocate. Teach me to care about what matters to you. Give me the courage I need to boldly stand up for what’s right and work for justice to be done in the world. Amen.


Day 3 – Holy Tuesday: 

On this day when I remember your prayers at the Mount of Olives, I commit to devoting myself to prayer, as well. Please help me learn how to pray, to develop confidence in prayer, to build strong prayer habits and to answer your call to pray about everything by maintaining ongoing communication with you. You prophesied on Holy Tuesday about what would happen in the future. I choose to trust you to lead me into the future well, sending me all the prophetic guidance I need to make the best decisions. Amen.


Day 4 – Holy Wednesday: 

Jesus, on this day I recall how the events of Holy Week turned toward your Crucifixion. As your disciple Judas Iscariot was planning to betray you, you were preparing for your ultimate sacrifice to save all humanity. I’m humbled by your commitment to save the world. When I reflect on the mistakes I’ve made, I’m grateful for your grace and mercy, which you’re willing to give me whenever I need them. Please help me to trust God even in the most challenging situations, as you did in your earthly life. Amen.


Day 5 – Maundy (Holy) Thursday: 

My loving God, you encouraged people at the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday to love one another. Please help me receive your love and send that love flowing through my life into other people’s lives. Help me to serve others with the servant leadership you modelled for us. As you washed the Apostle Peter’s feet, he asked you to wash his hands and head too – and may I also seek your cleansing. May your Holy Spirit renew my mind and empower me to develop the attitudes that will help me become spiritually strong and motivate me to join your work bringing hope to this world. Just as your disciples took Communion with you during the Last Supper, may I also grow in unity with you and other believers. Amen.


Day 6 – Good Friday: 

Jesus, I’m eternally grateful that you died on the cross to save humanity – including me – from sin. Because of your sacrifice, I can enjoy a relationship with God forever. Thank you for saving my soul, and for saving the world, so we can all have real hope for the future. Your compassionate suffering and death during the Crucifixion remind me of the awe-inspiring mystery that there are no limits to your love. Just as Good Friday isn’t the end of the Easter story, I know that every day of my life moves me toward a good future when I trust you to lead me there. Amen.


Day 7 – Holy Saturday: 

On this day when your body rested in your tomb, Jesus, I’m thinking of how important your timing is to fulfil your purpose. Please help me to be patient when I’m facing a time of waiting. Meet me where I am as I seek you, so I can be aware of your presence with me. I commit to making time in my busy schedule for silence and solitude that will help me overcome distractions and focus on you. Amen.


Day 8 – Easter Sunday: 

Wonderful God, my soul is filled with joy as I celebrate the Resurrection today! Thank you that you’re alive, and that you want a relationship with me. I want to enjoy a relationship with you, as well. After Jesus rose from the grave on the first Easter, an angel told people “do not be afraid” (Matthew 28:5). I can rise beyond fear this Easter by trusting you. I’m looking forward to new adventures together day by day. I love you, Lord! Amen.



"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die." (John 11:25)




Dear Lord,

Draw us forth, God of all creation.Draw us forward and away from limited certainty into the immense world of your love.Give us the capacity to even for a moment taste the richness of the feast you give us.Give us the peace to live with uncertainty, with questions, with doubts.Help us to experience the resurrection anew with open wonder and an increasing ability to see you in the people of Easter.



As we approach the end of the last week of school, I would like to wish all students and their families a Blessed and safe Easter. We look forward to seeing you all back when school resumes on Tuesday 27th April at 8:45am. On Friday of the first week we will celebrate a Resurrection-Alleluia Liturgy for the whole school and all families are most welcome.

Take care, keep safe and God Bless,


Hedy Carvalho

Deputy Principal/ Religious Education Leader

/Wellbeing Leader