Year 5 - Term 1 Curriculum Newsletter



25th April - ANZAC Day

26th April - First Day of Term Two

24th June - Last day of term Two 

For all other key dates, please refer to the School Newsletter and Compass.




Home Learning: Thank you for your ongoing support with Home learning. Please continue to support your child with reading, spelling and mathematics fluency practice at home. 


Toilet Breaks: Please continue to speak with your child about toilet breaks and the importance of going to the toilet during their break times to avoid missing out on valuable learning time and to avoid disrupting learning time of others.


Communication with the Teacher: If you would like to discuss something of concern with your child’s classroom teacher, please make an appointment via SeeSaw. Teachers will endeavour to respond to all messages within 48 hours. Urgent messages are best to be communicated through to the school office.

Non urgent messages can also be communicated on Seesaw. This can be a good way to pass quick information on to the teacher or ask questions. Checking of messages and posting of announcements will be done as often as possible on weekdays between 8:30am and 5:00pm. 


Supporting Students Wellbeing: Thank you for your support with the many disruptions we have faced this term with staff and students absences due to covid. We have worked very hard this term to establish a positive learning environment and despite the challenges, we encourage continuous conversations with your child about their actions and behaviours to promote positivity, safety and enjoyment at school.


Celebrating our Learning in English 


As readers, we have been learning to: 

  • establish positive reading behaviours such as reading every day for a sustained period of time.
  • identify the text features of different genres
  • using metacognition to think about our thinking while reading
  • identify the use of vocabulary in various text and day to day language experiences
  • read and understand the text structure and features of persuasive texts (discussions).
  • decode and understand the meaning of less familiar words 
  • conference with my teacher to improve my reading behaviours 
  • link reading with our ability to write within a genre


As writers, we have been learning to: 

  • establish positive Writing behaviours such as writing for a sustained period every day
  • use our Writer’s Notebook to write ideas for Writing
  • write about topics of interest through the Writer’s notebook and writing projects
  • develop writing by working through the writing process
  • write with a purpose and audience in mind 
  • establish an understanding of the 6+1 Writing Traits
  • develop our understanding of the Ideas Trait and the Organisation Trait
  • spell words correctly by paying attention to the ‘four general rules for suffixes’.

Celebrating our Learning in Mathematics


As mathematicians, we have been learning to: 

  • learn and explore a range of problem solving strategies
  • tell the time on an analogue and digital clock
  • deepen understanding of numbers up to 99 999 and place value
  • increase our number fluency and automatic recall of number facts
  • use efficient mental and written strategies to add and subtract numbers 
  • use problem solving strategies to assist with our understanding of maths concepts work collaboratively with a maths buddy.

Celebrating our Learning in Wellbeing


In Wellbeing sessions, we have been learning to: 

  • identify and describe positive and negative emotions
  • explore how we react to situations when our emotions are high
  • take action against bullying and violence at school, at home and in social situations
  • be accountable for our actions and to accept the agreed consequences created in the Year 5 Essential Agreement
  • know and show the expected behaviour on our school Behaviour Matrix.


Specialist Classes 



Grade 5 students have been learning how to read music to compose their own songs. Working in groups, students have composed tunes that they like the sound of, writing the tunes as musical notations and then challenging themselves and others to play each other’s compositions on the Boomwhaker musical tubes. 



Students in grade 5 have been  learning how to introduce themselves. Introductions included saying their name, how old they are and a statement about their likes. We strengthened our  knowledge of Japanese greetings and continued with learning Hiragana (Japanese Alphabet).



Grade 5 students have focussed on Athletics and fitness this term. Grade 5 students have worked on being able to run longer distances and improve their stamina. Students have been given the opportunity to participate in all events in Athletics in both PE lessons and at the school athletics day. These included high jump, hurdles, discus and shot put.