Year 4 - Term 1 Curriculum Newsletter



25th April - ANZAC Day

26th April - First Day of Term Two

24th June - Last day of Term Two 

For all other key dates, please refer to the 

School Newsletter and Compass.




Home Learning: Thank you for your ongoing support with Home learning. Please continue to encourage and support students to complete weekly home learning tasks. It has been great to see the online Prodigy mathematics tasks being completed at home, which has assisted greatly to students challenging themselves and gaining  more confidence.


Toilet Breaks: Please continue to speak with your child about toilet breaks and the importance of going to the toilet before school, during recess and lunch times to avoid missing out on valuable learning time.


Fruit/Veggie breaks: Students are encouraged to eat fruit and healthy snacks throughout the day. Breaks occur in all classes at different times throughout the day, depending on the class needs. It is important to remember that only fruit/veggies are to be eaten at this time. 


Communication with the Teacher: 

If you need to speak with a grade 4 teacher, we encourage you to make an appointment which can be made via SeeSaw. If you have an urgent message, please call the office on 

9744 4456. Non urgent messages can also be sent on Seesaw. This can be a good way to communicate quick messages or ask questions. Please be mindful that teachers will endeavour to respond to messages within 48 hours. 


Checking Seesaw messages and posting announcements will be done as often as possible on weekdays between 8:30am and 5:00pm. 


Sun Smart: No Hat, No Play! As a Sunsmart school, it is our policy that during Sun Smart times, all students are to wear their wide brim hat during recess and lunch to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful UV rays. If students do not have an acceptable wide brim hat, they will be required to stay in shaded areas for break times. Students only have to wear a hat for the first 2 weeks of term 2.


Tissues: As the colder weather approaches we would appreciate it if all students in year 4 bring a box of tissues for the class to use.  Thank you if you have already done so.


Celebrating our Learning in English



This term the grade 4 students have continued to develop positive reading behaviours such as reading every day and using the classroom and school library to choose ‘Just Right’ books. Regular conferencing with the classroom teacher has enabled the students to set goals and improve their reading behaviours. 


Grade 4 students have identified the use of vocabulary in text and day to day language 

experiences. They have been reading and exploring the text structure and features of non fiction and fiction texts.



Grade 4 students have been developing Writing behaviours such as writing for a purpose. They have been using their Writer’s Notebook to collect ideas and thoughts, that they can later develop into writing pieces. Working through the writing process we have developed our ideas and are beginning to establish an understanding of the 6+1 Writing Traits.


Through the SMART spelling program the students in grade 4 have been learning how to spell words correctly by paying attention to digraphs (two letters that make one sound) and trigraphs (three letters making one sound).

Celebrating our Learning in Mathematics


As mathematicians, the grade 4 students have been developing a deeper understanding of number and place value. They have been consolidating number pattern knowledge and

regularly use our fluency counting booklets to practise quick recall. 


In measurement the grade 4 students have been learning how to read the time accurately on an analogue clock and interpreting calendars.  


On Wednesday the 23rd of March we celebrated World Maths Day with several engaging hands-on and practical mathematics learning tasks. The students had a great time celebrating maths with a variety of teachers and in different learning spaces.



Celebrating our Learning in Wellbeing

This term we have worked collaboratively to create Essential Agreements. Grade 4 students have participated in several learning activities and discussions around classroom expectations at Kismet Park Primary.  Students have been learning about being accountable for our own actions and together we developed agreed consequences when the Essential Agreement is not followed.


We enjoyed celebrating Harmony Week and National Day Against Bullying and Violence. Students dressed in cultural clothes and wore orange to celebrate the day. In our classes we read stories, celebrated different cultures and created posters and displays. 


The introduction of the weekly Academic Excellence and Citizenship award has seen many students in grade 4 being  recognised for their academic and behavioural achievements throughout this term. 


Well done to all the Year 4 students who have received an award this term and continually display our school values.


Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Interschool swimming and athletics competitions this term. We have many students in year 4 that achieved excellence in these sports and went on to represent Kismet Park in the regional final. We are very proud of the students' efforts and achievement this term and hope that this continues for the remainder of the year.

Specialist Classes



Grade 4 students have been further developing their understanding of sheet music. They have been participating in a game reinforcing how to read notes on a musical stave. There has also been excitement around playing the keyboards and learning the basics of a C Scale, so that students can begin playing a variety of songs next term.



This term in Japanese students have learnt to say many popular hobbies in Japanese. They used this knowledge to create sentences about what their hobbies are and what they are good at. Students began working on Hiragana recognition (Japanese Alphabet) which will continue throughout the year.



Grade 4 students have been focussed on Athletics and fitness activities this term. Students have been refining techniques needed for activities such as high jump, hurdles, discus and shot put. We held our Athletic sports carnival this term where students participated in a variety of events. Towards the end of term 1 the grade 4 students have been practicing running long distances and competed in the school cross country event.