Year 2 - Term 1 Curriculum Newsletter


7th April - Easter Hat Parade 9.00am

8th April - Last Day of Term One



25th April - ANZAC Day

26th April - First Day of Term Two

For all other key dates, please refer to the School Newsletter and Compass





Home Learning: Home learning is completed weekly. Please support your child with their reading, spelling and maths tasks. It is encouraged that your child has access to a digital device as tasks will be uploaded to Seesaw. Students also have access to Maths tasks on Splash Learn and Reading tasks on EPIC and Reading Eggs.


Toilet Breaks: Please continue to speak with your child about toilet breaks and the importance of them going during recess and lunch times to avoid missing out on learning time.


Fruit/Veggie breaks will occur in the morning but not during teacher instruction time. We encourage fruit/vegetables to be cut or peeled to avoid disruptions. Please provide them in a separate container or ziplock bag for convenience.


Drink bottles filled with water are encouraged.


Communication Bags: Please ensure your child is bringing their blue communication bag to school each day. Communication bags are used for sending home notes, take home books and other learning resources. Students will be encouraged to check bags and give notes to their teacher. If you have notes to pass on, please remind your child to give these to the teacher as we support their growth in being independent and responsible with their belongings. 


Teacher Contact:  If you need to speak with a teacher, we encourage you to book a time via SeeSaw. We will contact you with an appropriate time to meet. Thank you.


Sun Smart: No Hat, No Play! As a Sunsmart school, it is our policy that during Sun Smart times, all students are to wear their wide brim hat during recess and lunch to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful UV rays. If students do not have an acceptable wide brim hat, they will be required to stay in shaded areas only.

Tissues: Please provide a box of tissues for your child to use in class.  Thank you if you have already done so.


Soft Start at Kismet Park PS A soft start for students mimics the way you prefer to start your day – with a chance to settle in before beginning work. Even with a soft start, students still complete morning routines (emptying backpacks, fruit and drink bottles on table etc.) but when they finish, they have spelling activities to begin. Students are able to talk with friends during this time and are encouraged to say good morning to people in the room. This strengthens the sense of community in our room and empowers students to make positive choices. 


Soft Start is between 8:45am - 8:55am.

Celebrating our Learning in English


In Reading this term, we learnt that texts are read for different purposes. Narratives ‘entertain’ the reader and factual texts ‘inform’ the reader. We also identified text and structural features of fiction and nonfiction texts. We learnt that fiction texts tell a story and they may contain pictures that add detail to the plot. Nonfiction texts contain information that is organised under headings and contain diagrams, maps or photographs. We learnt that these features help the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the topic.


In Writing this term, we further developed our confidence and independence as writers. We learnt to create short personal narratives and wrote about our memories in our Writer’s Notebooks. We wrote about our feelings and experiences in our journals and we are developing a passion for communicating as writers. We learnt how to use common punctuation marks including full stops, question marks and exclamation marks, as well as how to edit our writing to publish for an audience.


Celebrating our Learning in Mathematics 


ln Mathematics this term we have learnt how to think like a ‘Mathematician’. We practiced how  to solve problems by using diagrams and to show our thinking by recording our working out.  We used materials to show our understanding of numbers and demonstrated how they can help us  to measure objects.


We practiced our Maths fluency skills by skip counting by 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s both forwards and backwards from different starting points. We explored concepts of time including years, months, weeks and days. We learnt to tell the time to the hour, half-hour and quarter-hour on an analogue clock and digital clock. We compared and ordered shapes and objects based on length.


Celebrating Learning in Wellbeing


This term, we identified what it means to be healthy and safe at school. We participated in role play scenarios where we practiced how to help and include others. We understood what it means to belong and identified groups that we belong to. We spent each day being kind to others and playing safely and happily in the yard. Together we created our Year 2 Essential Agreement and we celebrated Harmony Week and the National Day Against Bullying and Violence.


Specialist Classes 


Performing Arts


Grade Two students have been having a great time exploring role-play and characterisation through masks in Performing Arts. Students have enjoyed devising a character and engaging with each other in short dramatisation with a focus on improvisation and narrative structure. 




This term as Year 2 Learners of Japanese we learnt all about the story of the Chines Zodiac and what animals makes up the story. We revised our colours and then learnt to describe these animals using the colours we know. We continued to learn greetings and songs in Japanese.


Physical Education 


Grade 2 students have been focussed on motor skills such as running, hopping, jumping and skipping. We have also had the opportunity to try some Athletic events including leaping activities.