Principal's Report
Dear Families,
We did it – a whole uninterrupted term of learning, fun and community spirit. Thank-you to our gorgeous children for their resilience and adaptability throughout this term. To our dedicated staff for their staying power as we navigated the COVID_19 landscape and responded to illnesses, absences and changes. Despite the challenges thrown our way we warmly welcomed our students back to school and provided a safe and engaging environment for all our children.
Thank-you to all our families, parents and carers for your partnership and support throughout this first term. Your support of our fabulous school is noted and greatly appreciated by us all. Together we achieved so much for the benefit of our children.
This edition of our iNewsletter is a celebratory edition, celebrating all that we have achieved throughout term 1. Included within the iNewsletter are our Team Curriculum Newsletters reflecting and celebrating on the past term’s achievements.
Today is our final day for Term 1. Students will finish at 2:30pm and will be dismissed from their classrooms. There will be NO assembly today. Extend will operate from 2:30pm today for all children who require the service.
Our 40th Birthday Celebrations WERE A HIT. Both nights were well attended and as a school community we celebrated reaching this all important milestone. Personally, I was so impressed with the genuine love and care that our community have for Kismet Park Primary School. Thank-you for your support and attendance.
Thank-you to Karen Bodilly for her organisation and leadership of the event. Thank-you to our PCA for their support and organisation of Food Trucks. To our staff for their attendance – thank-you.
I think we all agree, that after such a long time without the capacity to get together as a community, the last two nights were so very special. Moving forward we have set a benchmark for the ways in which our community will continue to come together after COVID times.
Kismet Park students are welcome to meet at the Sunbury Shrine of Remembrance at 10:30am. Mr Linton and I will be there to greet our students and represent Kismet Park Primary School on this important day. We will lay a wreath on behalf of our School community.
A friendly reminder that we have set dates and times for our 2023 Prep Information sessions and tours. This year we will begin to hold our prep information sessions and tours from Term 2. Please see below dates for our upcoming tours and information sessions for all parents/carers and their children who are starting Prep in 2023.
Prep Information Sessions and Tour Dates:
Tuesday 3/5 - 9:30am
Thursday 19/5 - / 6:30pm
Tuesday 24/5- 9:30am
Thursday 9/6 – 6:30pm
Please share these dates with friends and family who have children starting prep in 2023.
Please note we have changed the original dates for our parent helper volunteers induction dates. This is so we can have parents and volunteers in our rooms as soon as possible. The dates are:
Wednesday 27th April 2:30pm-3:15pm
Thursday 28th April 9:15am-10am
Finally, I wish all our community a safe and Happy Easter. Thankyou for your support and please take time to rejuvenate and rest with your family and friends.
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
Principal (Acting)
‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.