Year 6 - Term 1 Curriculum Newsletter


25th April - ANZAC Day

26th April - First Day of Term Two

10th April - Winter Sport

24th June - Last day of Term two 

For all other key dates, please refer to the 

School Newsletter and Compass.




Home Learning: Thank you for your ongoing support with Home Learning. Please continue to read with your child and record the book read every night. It has been great to see spelling activities being completed at home, this has assisted students in remembering how to spell new/ unknown words.


Toilet Breaks: Please continue to speak with your child about toilet breaks and the importance of going to the toilet before school, at recess and lunch times to avoid missing out on valuable learning time.


Fruit/Veggie breaks: Fruit breaks occur in every class at Kismet Park but may differ in times. It is important to remember that only fruit/veggies are to be eaten at this time.


Communication with the Teacher: Teachers are preparing lessons and attending meetings before and after school each day. If you would like to discuss anything of concern with your child’s classroom teacher, please make an appointment. Appointments can be made with the teacher via SeeSaw. Teachers will always endeavour to respond to all  messages within 48 hours however they will not be responding outside school hours.


Urgent messages for your child should be made via the school office on 9744 4566.

Celebrating our Learning in Reading


As readers, we have been learning to:

  • establish positive reading behaviours such as reading every day for a sustained period of time (up to 45 minutes).
  • use the classroom library to choose Just Right books.
  • think and write about our reading.
  • discuss my reading tasks with a classmate.
  • conference with my teacher to improve my reading habits
  • identify persuasive writing techniques.

As writers, we have been learning to:

  • establish positive writing behaviours such as writing for a sustained period every day.
  • use our Writer’s Notebook to collect ideas for writing.
  • use the writing process inorder to complete a published piece of writing..
  • establish an understanding of the 6+1 Writing Traits.
  • take ownership and responsibility for our own writing pieces by organising writing projects into a folder.

Celebrating our Learning in Mathematics


As mathematicians, we have been learning to: 

  • explore a range of problem solving strategies.
  • tell the time on an analogue and digital clock and to read and interpret calendars.
  • deepen understanding of number and place value.
  • solve complex number patterns.
  • recognise prime and composite numbers with the use of factors.
  • understand decimals.
  • find the perimeter, area and volume of a variety of shapes.


Celebrating our Learning in Wellbeing


In wellbeing sessions, we have been learning to: 

  • identify and describe powerful emotions.
  • recognise our personal strengths.
  • celebrate our differences.
  • make affirmations and promises in regards to respect and bullying.
  • show respect towards others.


Specialist Classes 



Grade 6 students have been learning how to read music to compose their own songs. Working in groups, students have composed tunes that they like the sound of, writing the tunes as musical notations and then challenging themselves and others to play each other’s compositions on the Boomwhaker musical tubes. 



Students in grade 6 have been  learning how to introduce themselves. Introductions included saying their name, how old they are and a statement about their likes. We strengthened our  knowledge of Japanese greetings and continued with learning Hiragana (Japanese Alphabet).



Grade 6 students have focussed on Athletics and fitness this term. Grade 6 students have worked on being able to run longer distances and improve their stamina. Students have been given the opportunity to participate in all events in Athletics in both PE lessons and at the school athletics day. These included high jump, hurdles, discus and shot put.