Principal's Report


Open Day and Discovery Evening

The first Wednesday back (13 April) will see us showing off the school to prospective parents and students at Open Day and then from 6.00pm at Discovery Night.  If you have friends who might be interested in enrolling next year, please let them know what a great opportunity this is to see the school in action and look at all the amazing things students can learn and do here.  Or, feel free to come along yourself and see what we do.  All the information is on our website.


Council Results

At close of nominations we had exactly the right number of parents and staff nominate for the vacancies. 

Parent Representatives on Council are: Ms Juanita Kimpton, Ms Lynda Hart, and Mr Greg Jelley.  DET representatives are Mr Bruce Churchward and Ms Debbie Sekula.  Additional members will be coopted at the first meeting of Council, which is Tuesday 12 April at 8.00pm.


AGM of Council

The Annual General Meeting of College Council will take place in the first week back from holidays, on Tuesday 12 April at 7.30pm in the Conference Room.  Please feel welcome to come along and hear from the Annual Report about the progress of the College towards achieving our Strategic Plan targets over the last 12 months.  The meeting will only be short, and will be followed immediately by the normal College Council meeting.


Outcomes of Parents Association and POPA elections

I recently attended the Annual General meetings of our two vibrant parent organisations – the Parents Association and the Parents of Performing Arts (POPA).  I would like to congratulate those parents who have been elected to positions:

Parents Association

President: Pam Wade

Treasurer: Sharon Drury

Secretary: Kylie Tait



Chairperson: Daryl Blandford

Vice Chairperson: Lee Cartwright

Treasurer: Tracy Dangerfield

Secretary: Leanne Blandford


On your behalf, and on behalf of the College, I would like to thank all those parents who get involved in these organisations. Thank you to those who are happy to take on the leadership positions.  Their efforts make an enormous difference not just their own children, but for all of the children of the College.

Robert Coller has stepped down from the Chairperson of POPA and he and Karen are taking on committee positions for this, their last year with a child in the school.  Both Robert and Karen have been involved in committees, and support for the Music Department and fundraising, and being at concerts, for around 15 years, which is quite remarkable.  If you have the opportunity to ask them why they have done so much for so long I think they would tell you they’ve enjoyed it, and have gained a better insight into the lives of their children, as well as that sense of contributing to something really good.  They were both a great support to me when I first started at the school eight years ago, and I thank them for their remarkable contribution to Wantirna College.


Uniform changeover to winter uniform

The time has come for students to be in Winter uniform.  There is a changeover period of two weeks to full winter uniform, as sometimes at this time of year we can still get very warm weather.  However, as the weather forecast for the first week back is quite cold, it would be a good idea for it to be sooner, rather than later. 

It is ESSENTIAL, that girl’s skirts are not too short.  There is no warmth in the winter skirt if it is mid thigh in length – they must be down closer to their knee.  I think it would be a little old fashioned for me to begin measuring the length, but I will be ringing home and asking you to supervise your daughter to take her hem down if it is too short.  The uniform is not a fashion item, even though we try and make it as pleasing as possible for the wearer.  It is a uniform, and as such needs to be worn to regulation.  Please save the short skirts for when you are out of uniform and can wear what you like.

Also, girls should only be wearing white socks or navy blue tights with their winter skirt.  Black tights are not acceptable.  The girls really need the tights to keep them warm as days are becoming colder.  There is always the alternative of the navy blue pants if they don’t want to wear the skirt at the correct length or the blue tights.  Blue tights are available  from the Uniform Shop if you can’t buy them elsewhere.


Camps and Excursions Fund

Parents are reminded that if you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for the CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps ensure that no student misses out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. It is part of making Victoria the Education State and the Government's commitment to breaking the link between a student's background and their achievements.

The annual CSEF amount per student is:

  • $125 for primary school students
  • $225 for secondary school students

How to Apply

  • Contact the school office to obtain n a CSEF application form or download from the CSEF website. Applications close 3 June 2016.


Hope you have a Happy Easter and a very safe holiday.


Sue Bell
