Dates to remember

Term 2
Tuesday 21st
Gr 3-4 Player visit 2pm-3pm
Thursday 23rd
Commonwealth Bank Smart Money Info booth
Friday 24th
District Cross Country Yrs 3-6
Monday 27th
School Photos - whole school
Wednesday 29th
Winter Sports Yrs 3-6
Wednesday 5th
Whole School Excursion
Monday 10th
Queens Birthday public holiday - no students at school
Wednesday 12th
School Council meeting 7pm
Wednesday 19th
PFA meeting 7pm
Friday 28th
Last day of Term 2 - 2.30pm finish
Term 3
Tuesday 23rd
Stepping Up Program - Preps 2020 9.15am -11.00am
Wednesday 31st
School Council 7pm
Term 2: 23 April (Tues) to 28 June
Term 3: 15 July to 20 September
Term 4: 7 October to 20 December