Lanugage-Italian News

The Dante Alighieri Society poetry competitions are back! Once more Greensborough College is participating in three different competitions and we hope to win, as we did last year. Last Monday we went to the University of Melbourne, where the first competition was held and we competed against other major schools of Victoria. This year too, our students from Greensbourogh College will have to compete against over 3,900 students coming from the entire State of Victoria. They were worried at first; however, once in action, they showed how well prepared they were!

The importance of competitions at that age is enormous, as competing prepares them for tomorrow’s professional world and increases their self-esteem.

I am very proud of all my students who have willingly and happily participated in these competitions this year! Well done, students! Siete bravissimi!



Dr. Katia Dell’Anna

Teacher of Italian

LOTE Co-ordinator