6s & 7s The Lofties

6s & 7s Bush School at Blackburn Lake Sanctuary


One of our favourite activities at Blackburn Lake Sanctuary was making observations using our senses.  We used our scientific inquiry skills to explore and answer questions. In particular we spent time bird-watching; listening and identifying and recording the birds of Blackburn Lake. We discovered that if we were peaceful then the birds would come to us.

We learned that rainbow lorikeets hang upside down to feed and that the structure of their claws enable this trapeze like movement. On our walks each week we sometimes met with members of our community who also participated in bird-watching. 


We carried large cameras, note books and checklists. One person told us that some birds only visit the Lake at particular times of the year. Some of us were lucky to spot the tiny Superb Fairy-Wren.


We also observed different ducks on the lake, the Moorhens and Coots fighting for territory, the Kookaburras singing and the Herons nesting in the trees. We knew when it would rain as the Currawongs would break out in song.


We all agreed that we enjoyed the birds of Blackburn Lake.


Talitha Crawford & Paul O'Leary

 6s & 7s Classroom Teachers

