Upper Ferntree Gully Awards

Student of the week
F Ellie - for always being a respectful and kind person!
1/2 N Amy - For working towards building up her resilience. Fantastic Amy!
2/3 D Andrew - for a great week of learning and for following our school values.
4/5 D Ava - for brightening up our days with your bubbly sense of humour!
5/6 CS Benson - for staying focused and avoiding distractions.
Maths Awards
F Ash L - for showing great enthusiasm in making mini iPads to sell in our shops.
1/2 N Ben - For reading the time to the half-hour on digital and analogue clocks. Well done Ben!
2/3 D Thomas - for your great contribution to discussions about chance!
4/5 D Deajay - for staying focused and giving 100% during our chance unit.
5/6 CS Macee - for her willingness to seek help and persist with difficult tasks.
Writing Awards
F Benya - for always putting in fantastic effort into all her writing tasks!
1/2 N Thyeson - For having a go at writing an opinion about a topic and a reason for his thinking. Well done Thyeson!
2/3 D Elijah - for taking your time with your writing and for using paragraphs! Well done!
4/5 D Archie - for having a go at writing your house captain speech.
5/6 CS Elliot - for his focus and persistence in Writing this week.
Japanese Award
Benya - For always being ready to learn new things and practising Japanese outside the classroom. Fantastic!!!
Art Award
Stephen - for showing such determination during Art and completing your set task.