From the Principal

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” ― J.K. Rowling


In my mind, one of the biggest challenges our young people face today is whether they have the courage to do the right thing, at the right time, in the face of enormous social pressure to do otherwise.  ‘Character’, a great mentor once told me, is ‘doing the right thing when no one else is looking’.  Our children know what is right but it takes courage to follow through.  It takes real courage to be honest with oneself and be accountable for your actions. The good news is that courage can be contagious and when we stand up for what is right: we often give permission to others to do the same. 


Finally, I write to inform you that Associate Principal, Operations Mr Neil MacLean will retire at the end of 2020.  Neil’s superb contribution over forty-three years will long be remembered.  He has not only selflessly served College as an English, History and Geography teacher but as Acting Principal, Senior Master, Head of Hockey, First XI Men’s Hockey Coach, Boarding Master, Cricket Coach, Play Director, Young Mentor, Year 12 Mentor, Male Voice Choir member, Timetabler, the list goes on.  Neil has served five principals between 1978 to 2020, four as Deputy Principal.  He has made an immeasurable contribution to our great school and we are delighted to appoint him Honorary College Historian. The Board and I look forward to acknowledging Neil’s dedication to College later in the year.  The first tribute will be for our South Australian families, past and present, at our South East Parents’ Drinks at Katnook Winery on Thursday 20 March 2020. 

Dr Andrew Hirst