Kelly Club 

Kelly Club Tales


With the countdown to the end of the school year and summer holidays beginning we have had some very busy weeks here at Kelly Club.


Pokemon has been incredibly popular this term with the children bringing their cards to school. We decided to have a week dedicated to Pokemon where the children could bring their cards to Kelly Club and can battle, trade and learn more about the Pokemon.  We had lots of great battles that week.


With seasonal festivities approaching, all the children had participated in making some decorations ready for our Kelly Club party.  Some of them seemed to get into the spirit of celebrations which was lovely to see.  We used this as an opportunity to discuss how everyone celebrates their own holiday traditions with their families.


Finally the big day arrived. The children seemed very excited when they greeted us yesterday, asking when Santa was coming.  We began our party with afternoon tea. The children then went outside for another run until they heard a ‘HO, HO, HO’ down the pathway.  We were very impressed with how polite some of the children were when Santa gave them a small gift.



In the past couple of weeks children enjoyed participating in the indoor and outdoor activities.  Children have been enjoying the drawing table to make their creations. In the drawing table children exchange their ideas with their peers and share the equipment. 


In the dramatic play corner, children are using their imagination to pretend the characters they want to be by using different materials such as scarfs, costumes, hats etc.  Children used the different materials such as blankets, scarves and pillows to decorate their houses.  Moreover children choose to use wooden blocks or the magnetic blocks to build their houses.  In the outdoor play children prefer to play with their big buddies, climb, run and play soccer or footy.



Our Holiday Program will run between Monday 10th  December to Friday 21st December.  Flyers are now available!


Please contact us or complete a flyer if you require care during this period.



We would like to extend a big thank you to you all for a wonderful year.  We have enjoyed watching your children develop new skills whilst having lots of fun.




We wish all of you very joyful holidays and a safe and happy New Year.


Best Wishes the Kelly Club Team … Hannah, Patricia, Christina and Erin.

The Kelly Club

The Kelly Club OSHC Program runs at Arlington Monday to Friday, following the end of the school day at 3.30pm.  You can find out more about Kelly Club here.


The Program is focused around sports, cooking, art and craft activities as well as structured ‘free-time’ after a busy day at school.   Activities are optional for students and incorporated into themed subjects each week that give children the opportunity to extend their learning outside of the school classroom. Children have opportunities to explore and discover through resources provided each day.


Enrolling in Kelly Club is easy,  to receive an enrolment form please call 03 9384 2204 or email