A message from our Principal

Dear Parents


Term 1 has flown by. We have been so busy and it has been wonderful to be doing lots of pre-COVID activities again.


On Tuesday we celebrated our Term 1 Green Award Morning Tea. The children with the most Green awards in each class had morning tea with Mrs White and the staff. We all had a wonderful time celebrating an extremely successful term of learning. Well done everyone.


The class Green Award winners for Term 1 are;

KI - Ava Keegan, Touheed Hassan

KG - Lila Kolkman, Morgan Emanuel, Ellie Surawski

KP - Samiksha Kumar, Selina Faulds

1M - Archer Fell, Francesca Klein

1C - Lilly Guihot, Ava Bartholomew, Darcy Child

1W - Sarah Shahid, Charlie Honeysett

1H - Addison Jones, Owen Sweeney

2M - Jane Michalek, Kruz Burrell

2Mc - Joselyn Robb, Christian Taylor Mena

3/4A - Keeon Freeman

3/4G - Sarah O'Brien, Darcy Hair

3/4L - Beau Francis, Harper O'Leary

3/4S - Zoe Barker, Nikki Allan

4/5W - Milla Cole, Ryan Copeland

5/6B - Jeremy King

5/6C - Eshanika Sathish-Kumar, Charlie Higgins

5/6D - Lachlan Simeonidis

5/6G - Ruby Canham, Seth Dutheil

K-1J - Tadhg Hart

2-3N - Ayla Potts, Thomas Callan

3-5R - Chelsea Robson, Jorjie Storrie

5-6F - Savannah Phillips, Kael Delbridge


This week we had boys play in the District Rugby League team for the Western Region side. Congratulations to Jackson Fischbeck and Ilai Mapapalangi who made the Western Region Under 11's side and will travel to Kiama in Term 2 for the State titles.

Ilai and Jackson
Ilai and Jackson


Congratulations also to Blake Fulthorpe and Hudson Reynolds who were selected in the Western Region Opens side and will travel to Tamworth next term for their state titles. Well done boys.



Yesterday Lachlan Simeonidis and Tom Hamer attended the State Swimming Championships at Homebush. The boys were competing against the best swimmer in the state and managed to swim multiple personal bests. We are super proud of you boys. Well done!

Tom and Lachlan
Tom and Lachlan


We had three wonderful Easter Parades yesterday where children paraded hats that were made at home. Thankyou to the many parents who came along and watched the parade and dances. It was so lovely to hold a 'pre-covid' event again at our school. The children and staffed loved having you here to be part of this event. Thankyou to our entire school community for supporting the Easter Hat Raffle which raised approximately $2000.00. Thankyou to all the K-2 teachers for their organisation of the parades in a COVID safe manner. 

After a very long consultation period with parents, children, community, AECG and staff via face to face meetings, focus groups and surveys, our school has finalised out Strategic Improvement Plan for 2021-2024. Our Strategic Improvement Plan is a document that drives all of our school programs. It aligns our finances with ‘big picture’ activities and ensures that the school is moving forward in all areas that were identified in the 2020 Situational Analysis. 


We have 3 Strategic Directions:

•Strategic Direction 1: Student Growth and Attainment

•Strategic Direction 2: Professional Practice

•Strategic Direction 3: Connection and Belonging.


Our School Vision Statement for 2021-2024 is to BELONG, BELIEVE and SUCCEED. Our entire statement reads; "Bathurst Public School students are actively connected to their learning and have a strong sense of belonging to out school and community. We believe that every student should be challenged to learn and continually improve in a respectful, inclusive, engaging and high expectation environment. We use explicit teaching strategies to build strong foundations in literacy and numeracy; deep content knowledge and empower all students to achieve , succeed and excel."


I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support throughout Term 1. It has been an extremely busy term and everyone's amazing work has ensured it has been successful.


A reminder that term 2 will commence for all children on Tuesday 20th April, 2021.


If any parent has any concerns regarding any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Happy Easter everyone. We wish everyone a wonderful holiday. Please stay safe and spend some special time with your families and friends. 





Kate White
