Student Services News

We are still here to help!


The Student Services Wellbeing Team has been blown away by the resilience and good-humour so many of you have displayed as we have shifted to a new style of learning and working together.

We acknowledge the Remote Learning will not always be easy, and that many of our students and families are finding this adjustment challenging.  We want you do know that you are not alone.


We continue to encourage you to reach out to us, to support each other and to remember that we are all in this together. Please see below for a guide to accessing Student Wellbeing support during Remote Learning.


Useful wellbeing resources round-up

We know many of you are experiencing an information overload at the moment, but for those of you interested, we found these things useful this week:

For further resources and information, please visit the Student Wellbeing page on myNorthcoteHigh