From the Principal

Adapting to new ways of working

As we begin Week 3 of Remote Learning, I am pleased to report that our students are doing remarkably well. While we acknowledge it is a struggle for some, and most would prefer to be at school, (just like their teachers), and many are frustrated with the slow and intermittent access to technology at times (which we hope to will drastically improve this week), many students report that they:

  • enjoy the structure of school – I am sure that has come as a surprise to a few!
  • have adapted to this new way of learning
  • some are enjoying it and finding it quite motivating

Staff and students alike, continue to work hard to evolve and adapt our practice and we are doing our best in a collaborative fashion.


We are looking forward to connecting with families this week – both parents and students – via the telephone Parent Student Teacher Conversations on Thursday and Friday. Given the tight timeline on these, it is vitally important that everyone sticks to time and that parents understand when staff need to cut a call short. Staff have been instructed to call the first parent listed. We know we get the best out these conversations when the students are also present.

VCAA VCE Seasons of Excellence

This year the VCE Seasons of Excellence has gone virtual. It can be found here.

I was delighted to look through the Showcase to find three of our students’ works on display – Tom Poletti, Leon Foggiato and Will Allen. Both Tom and Will are doing Year 12 this year.

It is a tremendous achievement for these three, and recognition for their outstanding work and dedication. It is also a credit to the school to have such strong representation amongst the relatively small number of works chosen from across the state. Well done.


I thank everyone for their hard work, patience, understanding and persistence over the first few weeks of term, and I urge you to continue in the same way.