Performing Arts News

AND THAT'S A WRAP!Over the past year, we have been involved in the school’s production of 'Matilda'. We only had a few rehearsals at school before the pandemic hit and we were forced to rehearse via Teams. This came with an abundance of challenges, but we worked hard and managed to perform six shows in three days: each of them being successful.
Each show was filled with people, but it was nice to see our last three shows fully booked out. Overall, we all had a great time and made some incredible bonds. I, personally, will cherish the memories we made as the Matilda family. We’d like to thank all of the staff who devoted their time to help us out. We would not have been able to pull it all off without the continued support and volunteering of the Patterson River Secondary College community.
A huge thank you to Mr Bradley and team for helping us create some of the amazing sets and fixing anything that was required, to the art department for helping us paint our wonderful sets and props, to any teachers who volunteered their time to either help backstage during the performances or take care of any students whilst staying at school, to Ms Bartle and Mr Bradshaw for taking some fabulous photos of the cast and obviously a massive thanks to Ms Walters, Ms Griffiths, Ms Wade, Ms Molloy and Ms Blackburne whom without, the show could not have had been possible. We’d also like to thank any teachers who came to watch the show and even brought friends and family.
We appreciate all the support that the college has shown and thank you for dedicating your time to help create some of the fondest memories for your students.
Thank you.
By Amelia Godino and Ally Barnard on behalf of the 'Matilda' cast and crew.
Instrumental music students from the College Stage Band were delighted to be invited back to the Seaford RSL on Friday the 23rd of April, to perform at the Annual Schools’ ANZAC Service. This event brings together more than a dozen primary schools from the local area as well as ex-servicemen and women and local members of Parliament to pay their respects to the sacrifices made by the ANZACs during World War One and other conflicts. Our students provided the pre-service entertainment as well as accompaniment for the Australian and New Zealand national anthems, alongside the Kananook Primary School choir. The weather was kind and the band rocked, we look forward to doing it again next year.
On Friday May 7, the Theatre Studies students showcased their work from Term 1 at our Senior Theatre Studies Showcase night.
Year 11 presented scenes from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Year 12 presented Michael Gow’s Away.
For this task, the students were responsible for all areas of the performance, taking on one or two production roles – direction, acting, costumes, makeup, props, set, sound, and lighting. Friends, family, and members of the school community were invited to attend and watch the performances. Overall, the night was successful as we raised $160 through donations at the door. Thank you to those who attended and supported the students and a special thank you to Ms Walters, Mr Thomson and Ms Griffiths for supervising the development of these performances and ensuring the night ran smoothly.
Maja Tomic and Amba Rogers Year 12, Directors
Wednesday 19 May, students from Years 9-12 participated in the school's semester 1 dance night performance. This was an evening for students involved in the performing arts to showcase their talents whether it be for enjoyment or to contribute to a VCE assessment. The night was extremely successful and we were thrilled to see so many students, staff, family and friends coming to support us.
We’d like to thank Ms Natalie Middlemast who coordinated the entire evening as the dance teacher and to all other staff and students who helped out backstage. We hope to see you all at next semester's dance evening! Stay safe.
Amelia Godino
Performing Arts – Dance Leader
The Royal Australian Navy Band Melbourne visited PRSC on Monday May 17. They rehearsed in the PAC alongside students from the Junior Band, Year 8 Band, Senior Band and Stage Band. Lieutenant David Coit conducted each band and talked about the importance of working together as a team to create the best possible music. The students enjoyed sitting alongside professional players and learning tips about how to play their instrument better and how their part worked with the rest of the band. It was wonderful to hear the oboe, bassoon, french horn and tuba as we don’t have those instruments at PRSC and many students have never seen them before. The RAN Band played a few pieces from an upcoming concert to each band showing what is possible with continued practice. It was an amazing day with many students marvelling at how quick the time went and that they would have loved to have spent more time with the RAN Band.