
IDAHoBIT Day 2021
On Monday 17 May 2021 our PRSC school community celebrated IDAHoBIT Day.
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, and Transphobia.
IDAHoBIT Day is about encouraging everyone to be better allies to same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse people.
Patterson River Secondary College’s (PRSC) RESPECT Student Action Group have organised and promoted a celebration of diversity through activities to bring a greater sense of College community and connection.
This year the College celebrated by running an Art Competition Theme: Gender Expression. Staff and students voted on displayed artwork. A massive CONGRATULATIONS goes to… First: Avery Conway 9E,
Second: Kayden Crombie 12B
Third: Hudson Roll 9E.
We would also like congratulate all the students who participated and submitted their artwork! It was a fabulous display of colour and inclusion!
The artwork was displayed during the staff and student morning teas where rainbow cupcakes were served!
We also raised the Rainbow Pride Flag and the Art Team decorated the art room windows with LGBTIQA+ flag definitions and colour. LGBTI+ books were on display and students presented at the year level assemblies. Staff also attended professional development session run by the Secondary School Nurse on respectful relationships, understanding gender and sexuality. It was a wonderful week of celebrating diversity!
Thanks to Frankston Youth Services for supplying photo booth and student morning tea decorations.
Thank you and GO RAINBOW.