Canteen News

A reminder that Rochelle will open the canteen for lunch orders only on the last day of term 1, Thursday 1 April. 


The following items will be available for students to order for lunch : (please write order on a paper bag with your child's name/grade & give to your child's teacher first thing, don't forget to include $$ and maybe an extra gold coin so they can purchase a lunchtime treat)


Macaroni Cheese - $2.00                                   Spaghetti Bolognese - $2.00

Lasagne - $2.00                                                     Chicken Wrap - $2.00

Chicken Burger - $2.00                                        Sausage Roll - $2.00

Meat Pie - $2.00                                                     Hawaiian Pizza - $2.00

Nuggets x 3 - $1.00                                               Potato Gems x 5 - $1.00

Chicken Tenders - $1.00 each                           Dim Sims - $0.50c eacj


Quench - $1.00

Nippys Chocolate Milk - $ 1.00

Paddle Pops - $1.00


Thanks again for all your support over the years.

Rochelle :)