School Council

School Council

Wominjeka and a welcome back to Term Two.


Our new School Council is now up and running! Thanks so much to everyone that took part in the recent school council voting process, and especially those who stepped up to nominate. It’s fabulous that we have so many passionate and talented TPS parents and carers eager to pitch in and get further involved in our school. Ngoon Godgin (thank you)

Michelle Harmer, Lucy Paplinska and Megan Goodman are the newly elected parent representatives and Amanda Stevens joins as our Aboriginal Community representative. 


We’re in the midst of finalising roles and committees amongst the group and will provide a further update to the school community on this shortly. Stay tuned!


An enormous Ngoon Godgin too to our outgoing members including President Renee Wierzbicki, Yasmin Ash and Charles Williams. 


School Council Subcommittees

We are seeking parents/carers to take part in our School Council Sub Committees.  We value the voice of our parents and carers and therefore we would like your input into aspects of our school through the following sub committees:

  • Education and Policy
  • Out of School Hours Care
  • Environmental Team
  • Communications Team
  • Social Committee

Committees can be flexible around meeting times and online meetings are an option. Committees usually meet once per month prior to School Council.

If you would like be a part of any of these committees,  please email the school or contact the office 9484-3254 for more information.


After School language program

Last term we put out a survey to families to understand interest in offering an after school language program again for students. Over 60 people responded and the most popular language was Spanish. Work is currently under way recruit a Spanish teacher. Look out for Compass alerts about this if you are interested in enrolling.


Helping develop our school funding campaign

We’re also looking to build our campaign to secure significant school funding for TPS, especially in the lead up to next year’s state election. Are you interested in working with us on this – or have skills in advocacy, campaigning, media and communications to offer.


Please get in touch at


Lastly, it’s wonderful to be able to have the opportunity to take part in face to face events on site at the school again. Look forward to seeing you at the Carers BBQ Friday 7th May or one of the many other upcoming TPS events soon.

Social Committee Update

The Social Committee is a group of parents and carers of students at TPS who are interested in getting together to raise much needed funds for our school. But, we are not just about raising money - we are about creating fun events and activities for the whole school community!


If you are interested in joining us and have great ideas for how we can do this, please send us an email at  to be on the mailing list for details of our first meeting which will be held at Joanies on High street, Thornbury. 


Care Givers Day BBQ

Our first event for 2021 will be the Care Givers Day BBQ on Friday 7th May 3:30 - 5:30pm with classes Foundation B, 1S, 3/4D, 4S and 5/6A helping out on the day. Please sign up to help out


Raffle tickets went home with students this week. Please support our school by purchasing one ticket for $2 or a book of twelve for $20 and go in the draw to win a lovely gift for your loved ones. 


Please make sure you have your ticket money in a sealed envelope back to school no later than Friday 7th May 3pm


Tickets will be available to purchase from the office from next week and on the day from the Social Committee stand.


Below are the current scheduled events for 2021:


Term 2:

Care Givers Day BBQ - Friday 7th May

Reconciliation Week Film Club - Black Divaz Friday 28th May 7.45pm 

Foundation Recipe Book Fundraiser 



Term 3:

Trivia Night - Second week in August, date TBC

Care Givers Day BBQ - Friday 3rd September


Term 4: 

Mango Drive - September/ October for delivery early December

Year 5/6 Yearbook Fundraiser

End of Year BBQ - Wednesday 15th December