Year Six

Change Detectives


The Year 6s have spent Term 1 investigating changes in matter.  They have taken part in experiments and an excursion to build on their understanding.  Every Friday, they have taken part in STEM sessions in science, technology and maths on the secondary campus to bring it all together.


This is what our students have said they have learnt:


States of matter can change depending on different factors


If metal in a heat pack is bent it causes a chemical reaction


Solids, liquids and gases are all states of matter


Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius


If you put a balloon into liquid nitrogen it will not pop


Liquid nitrogen is around minus 195 Degrees Celsius

In an experiment you predict, reason, observe and explain what happens


Some states of matter are soluble while others are insoluble


Some changes are reversible but others are irreversible