Year Five
This term, our focus for SWPBS has been our School Value of Respect. We have spent two weeks , exploring ‘Kind and Polite’, Keeping hands and feet to myself’, ‘enter and exit spaces safely’, ‘following teacher directions’ and ‘use appropriate voice’. During each session, we have explicitly discussed what each of these values means, where we have seen it and times when we have displayed each value ourselves.
The Year 5 students have enthusiastically welcomed the opportunity to create dramatic plays, record videos, draw cartoon strips and write scripts for various scenarios that have been put to them throughout the term. With the introduction of each new topic, we add a star to our Values Tree and complete an anchor chart showing all of the places around the school and in our community where each of these values should be displayed.
I really enjoyed the SWPBS rewards shop because you can get really cool things from the Dojo points you earn (Prabjheet 5A)
I really enjoyed learning about all the different topics in SWPBS because it inspires us to become better people (Shaan 5A)
I enjoy buying things from the SWPBS shop because I like seeing all the different things you can get (Mira 5B)
The more respect you show, the more Dojo points you can get. When you’ve earnt the points you can buy something from the Rewards Shop (Ajak 5B)
I enjoy SWPBS shop because you can spend your points, and it shows you have worked hard to earn those points and you have been a nice person (Adam 5C)
I like that we learn about different values, to make us a better person when we are older (Ioanna 5C)
We look forward to a closer look at our School Value of Team Work in Term 2!