Secondary Leaders
Year 11 School Captains
Emily F & Jakob P
What have we done this term? Written articles for the Newsletter, hosted a Student Leadership Assembly, assisted with the running of Athletics Day, assisted with the running of Harmony Day, spoke about Student Leadership at the Senior School information evening and assisted with the process of setting up the House Captain program.
Year 10 Peer Support Leaders
- Maddalyn G
- Jakson R
- Chloe T
What have we done this term?
Discussed strategies for assisting with Year 7 transition, reflected on how to positively resolve conflict while still fostering independence, developed our public speaking skills, learned new team building activities that we will run with the Year 7s and acted as mentors and role models in the school community.
Year 9 House Captains
Jackson: Rebeka S & Romeo P
Beachley: Sasha K & Abbey Z
Evans: Nick T & Kudzi M
Rafter: Charlotte A & Makita W
What have we done this term?
Assisted at Athletics Day leading House Areas and running the Novelty Events, attended Year 9 Leadership Camp and ran activities for the Year 7 students, brainstormed ideas and strategies for improving the House System that are based on Student Voice and School Connectedness – which we hope to implement in Term 2.
Secondary SRC
Year 7: Havey M and Lexie R
Year 8: Calvin C and Olivia K
Year 9: Brendan P and Salv T
Year 10: Jason K and Bianca M
Year 11: Rosaliana P and Lachlan P
What have we done this term?
Assisted at Athletics Day running the Novelty Events, spoken at Year Level Assemblies, ran the Easter Raffle Out of Uniform Day, created chocolate hampers as Easter Raffle prizes, brainstormed strategies for improving Student Voice amongst our year levels - which we hope to implement in Term 2.