VCAL Mathematics
The students have been working on strengthening their maths skills so that they have the abilities to complete the upcoming projects. In Term 1 there is a cross curricular focus on investigating buying a car, with students identifying all the government fees, different car loan options to comparing different types of insurance. The VCAL students are also working on their problem-solving skill, through different activities and challenges.
11 General Mathematics
In class we have had to learn how to use the new Texas TI CAS calculators. These calculators can do a lot of amazing things, including making graphs, and they are in colour. So far this term, we have had special class sessions where we had to learn to convert numbers between accurate and approximate values, fractions and decimals. Until this point, we didn’t realise that every button has a second function we can use. We have also had a go at creating histograms and box plots, and using functions to get mean, median, range and others from a list of numbers. We will be using those in our next SAC. It is so much quicker to use the calculator, but there are so many things you can do with it, it’s easy to get lost. Once we have learnt skills on the calculator, because technology use is a big part of our marks, we are going to demonstrate it by recording how to use each function and keep the video so we use it to revise later.
11 Mathematical Methods
VCE Maths Methods Units 1 &2 have kicked off at The Lakes and we are excited to see what this subject has to offer in the coming year!
While the beginning was daunting, we have adjusted to the rhythm and it now feels like any other maths lesson.
Our small class size provides for a comfortable learning environment where we can ask any questions to gain a better understanding of the content and have one-on-one time with our teacher to discuss any concerns.
We sat our first Maths Methods SAC this term and we now know the standard that is expected of us.
We started the term off with reviewing linear equations, then covered coordinate geometry and linear relations and now we are focusing on quadratics. It has been a jam-packed term so far, just the right start to VCE.